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The Fall play ...

Thu 12 May Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin. "Closing Countdown No. 5, a Night with The Fall" (the club closes a few days later)
Fri 20 May Territorios festival, Seville, Spain
Sun 22 May Friends of Mine festival, Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire
Tue 31 May Villette Sonique festival, Paris, according to their page
Wed 1 Jun Koko, London, according to their site
Fri 3 June Moho Live, Manchester, according to their site
Thu 30 June Stanley Theater, Liverpool Guild of Students, University of Liverpool. Ticketweb : 3-day pass from Ticketweb
Fri 1 July Stanley Theater, Liverpool Guild of Students, University of Liverpool. Ticketweb or via Paypal from Alan Wise (no booking fees): see note below.
Sat 2 July Stanley Theater, Liverpool Guild of Students, University of Liverpool. Ticketweb or or via Paypal from Alan Wise (no booking fees): see note below.
Sun 10 July Sub 89, Reading. Part of the Outside:Inside festival : tickets
Thu 11 Aug Terraneo Festival, Sibenik, Croatia
2-4 Sep End of the Road Festival, Larmer Tree Gardens, North Dorset, according to their site.
Sun 11 Sep The Electric Frog, SWG3, Eastvale Place, Glasgow, according to their site
Sun 18 Sep Incubate Festival, Tillburg, The Netherlands, according to their site
Sat 22 Oct SWN Festival, Great Hall, Cardiff University, with the Nightingales and Ted Chippington. A limited number of cheap tickets available (£16.50 inc. booking)
Thu 3 Nov HMV Picture House, Edinburgh, according to their site
Fri 4 Nov Riverside, Newcastle, according to their site
Sat 5 Nov Fibbers, York, according to their site
Tue 15 Nov The Junction, Cambridge, according to their site
Thu 17 Nov Concorde 2, Brighton, according to their site
Fri 18 Nov The Auditorium, Leicester, according to their Facebook page
Thu 24 Nov indigO2, North Greenwich, London, according to their site
Sat 26 Nov Mr. Kyps, Poole, according to their site
2-4 Dec All Tomorrow's Parties, Butlins, Minehead, according to their site



added 12 August

Stefan here... I'm going through a rough patch and am taking an indefinite break from the Fall online (first since 1996, when I started the gigog). You can find most of the Fall news, gigs, etc. posted on the forum.


added 26 July

While we await next Tuesday's financial "armadebton" (© The Daily Show), I thought this brilliant stop-motion film — DAVROS v BOND — by Fallnetter Pete Diaper and his son might cheer us up.


added 13 July

haciendaOut now on Cherry Red: part two of the Hacienda footage from four gigs between 1983 and 1985. In italics are the tracks from the first DVD, which Cherry Red released in 2004.

27 July 1983:
Wings / Prole Art Threat / Eat Y'Self Fitter / Kicker Conspiracy / Hip Priest / Mere Pseud Mag. Ed.
Hexen Definitive-Strife Knot / Ludd Gang / Neighbourhood of Infinity / I Feel Voxish

29 June 1984:
Smile / Lie Dream of a Casino Soul / Craigness / 2 x 4 / Oh Brother / Hey, Mark Riley / I Feel Voxish / Pat-Trip Dispenser
God-Box / Kicker Conspiracy / C.R.E.E.P. / Lay of the Land / Elves / Garden

18 October 1984:
No Bulbs / Lay of the Land / Draygo's Guilt / Kicker Conspiracy / God Box / Wings
2 x 4 / Slang King / Mere Pseud Mag. Ed.

9 October 1985:
The Man Whose Head Expanded / 2 x 4 / Kicker Conspiracy
What You Need / Barmy / L.A. / Dktr Faustus / I Am Damo Suzuki / Gut of the Quantifier / Spoilt Victorian Child


added 11 July; updated 12 July

Sunday, 10 July 2011    Sub 89, Reading


Nate / Hot Cake / Muzoweri's Daughter / I've Seen Them / Strychnine / Cowboy George / Cosmos / Laptop Dog / I've Been Duped / Taking Off / Greenway / Bury / Monocard / Wolf Kidult Man // Mr. Pharmacist / Psykick Dancehall

Thanks to Mark for the setlist. Reviews on the forum.


added 11 July

Robert Palumbo:

I'm not one to endorse detective work on the meanings of Mark's lyrics, but I thought I would point interested Fall fans in the direction of what I believe is the inspiration for the lyrics to Cowboy George. The song seems to be about my wife's Uncle George, who we made a film about, and gave a copy to Mark in 2006. We consider the song to be in large part a tribute to his spirit in the face of the law: he was convicted of making terroristic threats in California, and served a year in San Quentin at age 65.

A version of the film is available on itunes, as part of Showtime Network's "This American Life", Season 2, Episode 5: "Every Marriage is a Courtroom."


added 4 July

Saturday, 2 July 2011    Stanley Theater, University of Liverpool


Scaramanga / I've Seen Them / Muzorewi's Daughter / Nate / Cowboy George / Cosmos / Chino / Weather Report / Laptop Dog / I've Been Duped / Monocard / Funnel of Love // Psykick Dancehall

Reviews on the forum. Many thanks to John for the setlist.


added 2 July

Friday, 1 July 2011    Stanley Theater, University of Liverpool

Nate / Happy Song / OFYC Showcase / Strychnine / I've Seen Them / Taking Off / Chino / I've Been Duped / Cowby George / Bury / Laptop Dog // Greenway

Reviews on the forum. Many thanks to John for the setlist.


added 1 July; updated 5 July

Thursday, 30 June 2011    Stanley Theater, University of Liverpool


Nate / Hot Cake / Muzorewi's Daughter / I've Seen Them / Strychnine / Laptop Dog / Cowboy George / Bury / Cosmos / I've Been Duped / Greenway / Wolf Kidult Man / Psykick Dancehall

Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Michael for the set list.


added 11 June

I Hate Cruel Fashion Brands Says Brix Smith-Start" : interview in yesterday's Evening Standard.


added 9 June

Michael Clark (w/MES & Fall content) on last night's Newsnight; thanks to Buy Kurious for the upload


added 2 June

Friday, 3 June 2011    Moho Live, Manchester


Cosmos / Hot Cake / I've Seen Them / Strychnine / Muzorewi's Daughter / new song / Cowboy George / Bury / I've Been Duped / Greenway / Funnel of Love / Chino / Psykick Dancehall // Weather Report

Thanks to The Abdominizer for the setlist and this great video. Reviews on the forum.


added 2 June; updated 29 June

Wednesday, 1 June 2011    Koko, Camden, London


Cosmos / Hot Cake / I've Seen Them / Strychnine / Muzorewi's Daughter / Cowboy George / Bury / I've Been Duped / new song / Funnel of Love / Greenway / Chino / Psykick Dancehall / Weather Report / Wolf Kidult Man // Mr. Pharmacist // Reformation

Many thanks to Mark for the setlist. Reviews on the forum and by these 145 attendees courtesy

And to Tom Wootton for his wonderful review:

Met my frend Alex at the pub, a good pub in Camden is hard to find, but this was out of the way and OK. I hadn't even been going to go in fact as a friend was having a birthday at the excellent Lahore Kebab House where he had pre-ordered several Nargis kebabs - basically colossal curried scotch eggs. Also, the last couple of times I'd seen the Fall they'd been mediocre-rubbish, and I don't like Koko.

Headed down to the venue, got in, frend revealed it has a roof a terrace, a thing I did not know. We went up there with the rest of humanity, and drank our expensive lager from plastic glasses, but it was almost pleasant, almost civilised - rooftops and fresh air, well as fresh as a hundred smokers packed on to a small roof terrace will allow.

The thing is, it clearly wasn't absolutely sold out, which was a good thing, as it meant without the crowd being sparse you could at least find a place to nestle in the main area. Another thing, they came on v prompt. Ship-shape and Bristol fashion. This, as probably everyone here knows is almost unheard of. Smith liking to keep you waiting. In fact there used to be a rumour wasn't there that the start of the intro tape indicated when Smith had entered the building, no doubt having got impossibly lost en route from the next-door pub. But nope, straight on, caught us unprepared, by surprise, guard down, and just flew helter-skelter into matters.

Cosmic, as I believe it's called, rocked and Hot Cake bounced, like a rubber wardrobe falling down a flight of stairs, immediately sustaining and enhancing the immense good cheer that seemed to pervade everyone in the hall. Immediately clear that Smith was snappin', flying around inside the songs like a monkey in the rigging.

Hang on, I've got to get mysen a Fernet if I'm going to keep this up. Revolting stuff - smells like turpentine and looks like India ink - but it keeps the demon at the door.

Then came a new'un, I've Seen Them, which got stuck in my head for days if not weeks after. It was somehow haunting. I think it was the fey tones of Smith's refrain - 'I've seeeeeeeen them....' like a Cassandra of the modern, voice curdled with contempt. But it was also driving because of the propulsive drums and The Eagle I think it was was shouting in the background 'I'VE SEEN THEM GO! I'VE SEEN THEM GO!'. There was a moment in the middle where Smith's voice seemed like a viper of ferocity coiled round the mic - really worked himself up he did, it was great to see.

After that he said...

"Onto/under(?) the bridges of the senile...."

Then after that they did an extended Strychnine, which I was delighted about, cos I wasn't expecting it at all. It had that great rockabilly Fall sound; the loosely-associated tightness, ramshackle and unstoppable, which is one of their great live sounds. It always puts a grin on my face, the absurdity of it all. In fact writing now, it reminds me of a very very bad circus I saw in Brittany as a child, where an old and extremely reluctant and irritable goat was made to clamber up a small tower made out of wooden furniture, tables and chairs, and stand precariously at the top, proud but also utterly preposterous. That was what The Fall were like, a rickety tower of tables and chairs, base in Ys, spire reaching up to the moon.

Smith's screams in Strychnine, nothing like G Roslie's spine-chilling aural lightning, were more like a man suddenly genuinely terrified by something or an immediate reaction to the realisation that you're falling off a cliff. AAAAAAAAAARGH. Like that. It was most amusing and invigorating.

The tombstone beat of Muzorewi's Daughter was very impressive. I'm normally a bit sceptical about new Fall doing old Fall - it's usually not as a good, but this really was great, had the aura of tribal magic, distant stars and deserts seen outside the window of a dank industrial back-to-back.

Maybe it's because the new material is so similar, so mystical sounding that this old and spectral material felt like invested with such power. A thought provoked by Cowboy George being next, and although my friend later described it like Ennio Morricone being kicked in the balls by Mickey Mouse, it's a strange plangent song, which turns into that section which is so brilliant live, which is just Smith wearily declaiming over the oscillating synths. Some pleasingly strange stuff about sterilised monks and Cowboy George gradually stumbling his way across heathland to...

I'M NOT FROM BURY! This was fucking hilarious mainly because a) Eleni was being v amusing, waving her hands about in between keyboard strikes, and grinning like a loon while shouting I'M NOT FROM BURY. This was f'ing great in fact. A single one of the blasts of guitar contained more real magic than the entire commercial franchise of Harry Potter. oh, er b) it rocked.

And just reading back, I'm remembering what was so good was the pacing. You had energy, new stuff, terror, fun - it's a classic Fall combination really.

I think there were some new programmes mentioned in I've Been Duped, a song that has really benefited from its live performances (think I first saw this in an All Hallow's Even performance at the Hackney Empire), like pop krautrock.

A new one again. I think he kept saying 'But I'm from Düsseldorf' - again, v enjoyable. And again, mainly, as with all the gig, because Smith was clearly enjoying it all so much. You know, we were just nodding away, completely under the spell. Also, Smith had great control of the amps, suddenly unleashing surges of raw guitar over the already strange sound.

Another new one, I kept thinking was a version of Beetle Bones n Smoking Stones, cos it sounded like the session version they did of that, and Smith kept on gurgling 'It's good enough for me, it's good enough for you', but I was reliably informed later that it was the song Greenway. Long and incomprehensible spoken-word narrative stuff over the top, interspersed with mocking guitars and Smith taunting 'Greeeenwaaay' over the top. Probably a good point to say that the group just looked and sounded great. So intent upon their instruments and the Fall Gemeinschaft.

Chino was utterly marvellous. Like the album version (one of the best songs on that LP I think) x10. Languorous, bleak hospital-drug psychedelia, like Denton Welch + JG Ballard or something. One of the best Fall songs in recent years I'm tempted to say after that performance.

Then WEATHER REPORT! Oh man, this is great. After its sunbleached weariness, it sank into its synthesised black whirlpools, and then suddenly flowered into a rocking-out conclusion.

Sorry I'm running out of puff/Fernet a bit and I gotta go to bed. Mr Pharmacist was a jumpin' encore. I always like it when they do this because I know a number of people around the place will be saying 'Not THIS again', which redoubles its fun, which is already considerable.

Then Smith orders everyone off, the lights go up, and people start filing out. Then suddenly, inexplicably, 'for reasons unfathomable but to me wholly admirable', THEY COME BACK ON! And perform one of the most startling versions of Reformation I've heard, in fact, top ten Fall live moments of all time (there's a fee for listing them, a $500 bottle of wine, so don't ask). It was so abundant, despite its simple repetition, a seething black tentacle of bass + marsh-light keyboards, and then Smith, opening and shutting the aldis lamp onto the landscape, briefly illuminating moments of terror - floorboard, black river, motel. And did he start singing That Ol' Swannee River at one point in it? I think he did. The crowd loved it.

And then it finished.

Tremendous strange and compulsive fun. When they're like this they're better than any film or tv programme, books, whatever - because it's a one off, unrepeatable, it has no chance to fade, a conjuration that lives briefly and then dies when done, and so is eternal. Grinning like fools at the foot of the divine we were, as we tottered out.



added 31 May

Paul Hanley wrote in about CavFest (the Cavendish Community Music Festival, West Didsbury, M20) on Saturday, 17 September.

A great lineup (inc. Tom Hingley and the Lovers w/S&P Hanley) and all profits go to the Cavendish Primary School. Tickets are selling fast.

More info on their site.


added 1 June

Tuesday, 31 May 2011    Parc de la Villette, Paris

Thread on the forum.


added 23 May

Sunday, 22 May 2011    Friends of Mine festival, Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire

Little Frank: A very rough approximation of the setlist for those interested:

Can Can Summer / new song? / Hot Cake / Muzorewi's Daughter / Change (instrumental, aborted) / Strychnine / I've Seen Them / Chino / off stage / I've Been Duped / Psykick Dancehall / Wolf Kidult Man

Reviews on the forum.


added 23 May

Friday, 20 May 2011    Territorios Festival, Seville

Setlist is incomplete:

Can Can Summer / Muzorewi's Daughter / Unknown / Strychnine / Chino / I've Been Duped / Cowboy George / Greenaway / Reformation / Psykick Dancehall

Reviews on the forum.


added 23 May

MES Q&A in The Guardian:

Mark E Smith was born in 1957 and grew up in Prestwich, Greater Manchester. He left school at 16, and worked in a meat factory and then for an import-export company in Manchester docks. In 1976, he formed the post-punk band, The Fall, who were championed by the late DJ John Peel. He has been the only constant member since the band formed. Tomorrow, The Fall will play the Friends Of Mine Festival in Cheshire; in September, they will release their 29th album, on Cherry Red Records. His autobiography, Renegade, was published in 2008.

When were you happiest?
Every day is great for me. I dislike rose-coloured glasses.

What is your greatest fear?
Being trapped in a lift with Chatty Man or at a UK music festival with no transport. Fear is something I try not to absorb.

What is your earliest memory?
Having a hot wash at the age of four, before my first day of school.

Which living person do you most admire, and why?
All nurses and television programmers at 4am who "update". But mainly myself, as Napoleon.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Having to clean my teeth and look after my health.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
A lot of people seem obliged to have a viewpoint.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
It is weekly.

Aside from a property, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
Human souls are not cheap.

What makes you unhappy?
All UK comedians.

What is your most treasured possession?
A tree in my front garden.

Where would you like to live?
Peking during the Boxer rebellion, 1900.

What would your super power be?
No food necessary. True bats know false powers drag you down.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?
I could use a new brain and other organs.

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
A decent bitter/lager.

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Orson Welles or Brian Cox.

What is your most unappealing habit?
Random spitting, stealing lighters – both are unconscious.

What is your favourite smell?

What is your favourite word or phrase?
"See you later."

What is your favourite book?
North, by Céline, and My Autobiography: Kevin Keegan.

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
A Jack Straw outfit, including voice and face.

What is the worst thing anyone's said to you?
Don't think you can leave me/this company/this train etc.

Cat or dog?
Not dog – mutual hatred.

Is it better to give or to receive?
The first.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Spiked Opal Fruits/Starbursts (in whisky) – cheap.

What do you owe your parents?
Pointing the way to the front door.


added 19 May

A post on the forum full of Fall news: many thanks to Conway (please have a wonderful time in the UK, et al.):

Marshall Suite reissue - it finally went to production middle of last week, after a few delays. We were waiting on the BBC for the 2 tracks from the Robert Elms session, but they couldn't locate any tapes. As it was a live-to-air, it may not have been recorded.

I tried to broker a deal between Julia and Cherry Red for her to provide some audio and visual material for the booklet, however Cherry Red weren't prepared to negotiate. I suspect they were worried about the time ticking and they'd have to get the tapes from Julia, have it mastered and then MES would have to approve it's inclusion (which couldn't be taken for granted, given the material).

In the end, it went to pressing those 2 BBC tracks short of what Cherry Red had announced - one of the dangers of pre-publicity, along with not meeting the scheduled release date by a month.

And of course the artwork had to be redone to delete the Elms tracks. It is packaged as a 3 disc multi fold out digipak with a 12 page booklet. Notes are by Daryl Easlea in a similar style to his Sanctuary notes (as opposed to the extended interview format he did for Beggars). The project was basically run by the old Sanctuary team for Cherry Red, as they are all now freelance - Steve Hammonds project manager, Becky Stewart artwork, Daryl and myself.

The BBC gave us a double whammy, as it recently found the missing Clitheroe Castle live tapes, unfortunately 6 months too late for inclusion in the reissue of This Nation's Saving Grace.

No news on any further Beggars reissues at this stage.

The new album - apparently recording is going well. Mark is supposed to be putting down vocal tracks the first week of June. Target for release is September. Cherry Red are unlikely to give him a hard time like Domino, so the chances are pretty good it won't be delayed into next year. And it will be released on vinyl.


added 13 May

Thursday, 12 May 2011   Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin

Hot Cake / Muzorewi's Daughter / I've Seen Them / Strychnine / Change / Bury / I've Been Duped / Greenway / Chino / Hungry Freaks, Daddy / Mountain Energei // Psykick Dancehall / Wolf Kidult Man

Reviews on the forum. A cracking gig judging by the recording.Thanks to The Consortium for the setlist.


added 12 May

Longtime Fall mews readers may remember Timekode (Cheap Space Chant, et al., seee Fall news Jan. 2002). Deni has posted a great video of her collaboration with M.E.S. on youtube:


added 28 April

The Fall sign to Cherry Red

From The Quietus:

When John interviewed Mark E Smith late last year, the Fall's leader told him that sessions for the group's next album were progressing well, and that it would be a heavier beast, even a "Greek heavy metal album". Today, the Cherry Red label got in touch with the Quietus to tell us that they will be releasing whatever it is MES and co come up with later this year: "Cherry Red Records have some exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce that the release of the new FALL album will be coming out on Cherry Red later in the year." There is currently no further information, such as release date or working title, but rest assured we will bring you it as soon as we have it. You can hear a performance of new Fall song 'Greenway' here. When he spoke to us, Smith said that after their record on Domino, he was looking for a label that would let him bang a record out quickly. Looks like he's found a good home.


updated 21 April; updated 11 June

Alan Wise on the 30 June - 2 July Liverpool gigs:

THE FALL will play a three night residency at the Stanley Theatre , Liverpool Guild of Students an intimate and comfy stand up smallish, venue with seated balcony in Mount Pleasant Liverpool.

They will use the opportunity to work some new material such is on their new unreleased album which features a very innovative and different sound .The shows will differ every night and feature a famous special guest as supporting act. [update: John Cooper Clarke will support each night along with local band, The Temps.]

FOR THOSE WHO DONT LIKE TO PAY A BOOKING CHARGE, THE WEEKEND TICKETS FOR THE DOUBLE BIL JULY 1 AND 2 can be bought over the computer on pay pal direct from the promoter no booking fee.

A confirmation e mail will be sent but the tickets picked up on the night from the box office. This way they cant be lost. If they want people can bring the confirmation e mail.. agents seem to charge £4 Booking ????? Or Buy from the venue the Students Union or Probe.


added 9 April

Enter Castle Perilous by Factory Star

From the Occultation website, where you can read much more and listen to samples. The CD release date is Monday, 25 April and the LP will be available soon after.

factory starEnter Castle Perilous is the first album by Factory Star, the latest Occultation signing led by Fall and Blue Orchids founder Martin Bramah. The album, produced by Nick Halliwell (The Granite Shore) and engineered by Richard Turvey (The Wild Swans), was recorded in just three days in January 2011. It is raw and articulate, the sound of a band captured red in tooth and claw.

Advance ordering in the Occultation Shop is now underway. We're awaiting confirmation of the vinyl delivery date from our manufacturers but, as patience is a virtue and should be rewarded, we're offering special advance order pricing on this. It is released on both vinyl and CD; both editions come in full-colour heavy-duty 350gsm outer sleees with inner sleeves and there's also a very special price for a package comprising both editions. An MP3 version is also available but, as usual, 320k MP3s are free (delivered automatically once purchase goes through) with all purchases of the physical album from us. We'll keep you informed on delivery dates for the vinyl - we've been told roughly 2-3 weeks and will keep you posted.

Also: "Factory Star are playing at the Salutation, off Oxford Road in Manchester on 15th April and also headlining the "Helmets for Men At The Crescent" festival also in Manchester on 1st May. The band have been known to perform both Blue Orchids classics and also occasionally the odd early Fall song."


added 5 April

In 1981 and again in 1983 The Fall commandeered the Icelandic press. Here's great collection of scans in the Icelandic Music Museum.


added 5 April

Eliot Van Buskirk recounts his story for National Public Radio of travelling from San Francisco to Camber Sands to see The Fall play.


added 4 April; updated 6 April

Michael Shields is listening to a Fall song a day and blogging about it. He's up to Day 20 so far, with Victoria.

Let's not forget Rotund Robert's "The Story of The Fall" wherein he listened to each officially released Fall song in chronological order, starting with Louie Louie.


added 28 March

Mick Middles's Fall documentary from 1994, also available on Northern Cream: The Fall DVD That Fights Back. And the fans at the MCR gig at the end: anyone we know?


added 19 March

Michael Bracewell and Jon Wilde's "The Art of The Fall," which appeared in the Sept/Oct 1992 issue of "posh arts magazine" Frieze, has been republished in The Sinister Times.


added 18 March

pop fictionThe Pop Fiction launch party is next Thursday 24th March in London.

Thursday, March 24 · 7:30pm - 10:30pm
The Betsey Trotwood
56 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3BL

There'll be 4 readings on the night, including Dan Lewis's reading of 'Disney's Dream Debased', which star MES, Brix, and a guilt-ridden Mickey Mouse. There'll be a DJ to keep the rock n roll going between readings (some Fall near-guaranteed), and discounted copies of the book to buy.

More info and RSVP option on Facebook.

Click the thumbnail for a larger version of the flyer.



mes ipa-------------------

added 16 March

Jonathan of the Snooty Fox:

We are holding a Fall appreciation night at The Snooty Fox, 75 Grosvenor Avenue, London N5 2NN as a belated celebration of MES' birthday and to raise a bit of money for the Red Cross Japan earthquake/tsunami appeal on Thursday 24th March 2011.

We'll be playing loads of Fall and garage type stuff (Beefheart, Monks, Other Half, etc) that influenced The Fall.

The Mark E Smith IPA by Northern Brewing is making a timely return, so those that missed out at our recent Hit The North ale Festival have a chance to try it while our stocks last.

follow twitter for further details: @snootyfoxlondon


added 6 March

The folks on the forum have released "Hex Enduction Ours" — a two-disc Hex covers extravanganza. Read all about it and download.


added 5 March

A very happy birthday to Mr. Mark Smith from Fall news HQ. 54 years young today.


added 5 March

Yo La Tengo play Totally Wired yesterday during WFMU's fundraiser. Many thanks to PatTrip for the mp3.


added 5 March

Minder partners with Cherry Red

10:59 | Tuesday January 18, 2011
By Charlotte Otter

Minder Music has partnered with Cherry Red Records in a move which sees the record label re-issuing a number of recordings from the publisher’s back catalogue.

This follows Minder making albums by acts including Ace, Brett Smiley, Long John Baldry, Moonrider, Gap Band, The Fall and Rod Steward available on iTunes last year – in order to raise the online profile of its roster.

“For a large number of these artists it will be the first time that their music will be available digitally,” explains Minder managing director John Fogarty. “But although the digital side is relatively easy I did not want to get into the manufacturing and other processes, and therefore it made sense to do a deal with someone already in that business.”

Fogarty continues, “I have known Cherry Red’s owner Ian McNay for about 100 years and he introduced me to his MD Adam Velasco and it was easy to do the deal. Their operation impressed me and the fact that they release repertoire by R&B icons Earth Wind and Fire and the like was a factor as I wanted empathy for our classic R&B works.

“However, we will continue to directly license individual tracks for compilations and TV commercials etc.”

The re-issues compromise of recordings originally released on Anchor Records in the 1970s and subsequently acquired by Minder including three albums by the group Ace (featuring Paul Carrack), records by Brett Smiley, Long John Baldry, Moonrider (featuring Keith West), Cado Belle (featuring Maggie Reilly) and the disco classic Make It Last Forever by Donna McGhee.

A number of R&B classics originally released on the Total Experience label including albums by the iconic Gap Band, Yarbrough & Peoples, Billy Paul, Switch and Pennye Ford as well as The Marshall Suite by The Fall and an early Rod Stewart work, In A Broken Dream which Stewart recorded under the guise of Python Lee Jackson for DJ John Peel’s Dandelion Records.

First up appears to be 3xCD omnibus edition of The Marshall Suite, out in the UK on 25 April. Amazon UK / Amazon US


added 22 February

Two recent press/blog bits:

  • Dave Graney in The Scrivener's Fancy on The Fall and particularly re the recent dates in Australia, which he supported.
  • K.A. Laity in The Spectator on Falling for the Fall


added 22 February

Mark Aerial Walker:

The film I made with Mark E. Smith and Steve Evets in 1999 — Midwatch — will be on show at Outpost Gallery, Norwich from 2nd – 21st March. It is part of a bigger show, where "Midwatch" kind of breaks in through the wall.

Info here:

This isn’t Nelsons’s time it’s 1956 and its time to get out and leave this shitck!
02. March – 22. March 2011
12noon – 6pm

Outpost Gallery
10b Wensum Street
Tombland, Norwich, UK
tel: 01603 612 428


added 14 February

Friday, 11 February 2011    Salzhaus, Winterthur, Switzerland

Change / O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Chino / Cowboy George / Hot Cake / Bury / Strychnine / I’ve Been Duped / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Weather Report // Reformation (w/o MES)

Reviews on the forum.


added 31 January

Thursday, 27 January 2011    PTR, Geneva, Switzerland

A short set, apparently. Reviews on the forum. Setlist TBD.


added 31 January

I hadn't seen this clip before. M.E.S. as guest bouncer on The People vs. Jerry Sadowitz. They say it won't be up on youtube for long.


added 19 November; updated 25 January

From Beggars Archive (24 January):

The wonderful This Nation’s Saving Grace – Omnibus Edition was released today. For those who ordered early, well done, you should be enjoying your copy right now.

However, we now have a temporary stock problem and here’s the brilliant excuse. One pallet was wrongly off-loaded in Hong Kong and the ship sailed without it. Realising the mistake the albums were hoisted onto another container ship which ran into a severe tropical storm and got badly delayed. Some say this has now docked safely in the UK and will be trucked over to our distributors shortly but, if it’s not there by tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the Somalian pirates who, at this very moment, are grooving to all the versions of Cruiser’s Creek.


Beggars Banquet has confirmed 24 January 2011 as the release date for the 3-disc omnibus This Nation's Saving Grace. Details and track listing on their site.

update: some press re TNSG, which is already trickling into stores, in the USA, anyway.


added 23 January

Many thanks to Tim Riley for sharing this low budget video he did for White Lightning in 1990, before Polygram coughed up the £££ for the video we all know and love. Tim elaborates on youtube.


added 21 January; updated (with correct tracklisting) 22 January

For the few who haven't compiled their own version:

before the fall

Amazon UK says released date 28 Feb. 2011

Approved by Mark E. Smith, Before The Fall features the original versions of 24 amazing songs covered by The Fall. It's a virtual peek into the eclectic record collection of the greatest living Englishman and features genres ranging from blues to rockabilly, trucking music to disco and soul, reggae to garage-punk and novelty pop to folk. All the tracks were covered on singles, albums or radio sessions by The Fall between 1985 and 2010. Featuring big names such as the Kinks, Iggy Pop and Sister Sledge alongside obscure gems and rarely compiled tracks.

Presented as a luxury digipack and with cover art by Savage Pencil, legendary designer of The Fall's 'Lie Dream of a Casino Soul' single cover. With comments on The Fall from several of the original artists.

1. Gene Vincent - Rollin' Danny
2. The Other Half - Mr. Pharmacist
3. R Dean Taylor - There's A Ghost in My House
4. The Kinks - Victoria
5. Lonnie Irving - Pinball Machine
6. The Searchers - Popcorn Double Feature
7. The Creators - Kimble
8. Sister Sledge - Lost in Music
9. Steve Bent - I'm Going to Spain
10. The Sonics - Strychnine
11. Sir Gibbs - People Grudgeful
12. Henry Cow / Slapp Happy - War
13. The Monks - Shut Up
14. Captain Beefheart - Beatle Bones 'n' Smokin' Stones
15. Bob McFadden & Dor - The Mummy
16. Hank Mizell - Jungle Rock
17. Pete Seeger - I Come and Stand at Every Door
18. Tommy Blake - $ F-oldin' Money $
19. The Saints - This Perfect Day
20. Leadbelly - Bourgeois Town
21. Iggy Pop - African Man
22. The Groundhogs - Strange Town
23. Nervous Norvus - Transfusion
24. Wanda Jackson - Funnel of Love


added 21 January

Thursday, 20 January 2011  Barbi, Tel Aviv, Israel

set Thanks to Gal Bleiberg for the setlist.

Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / [off stage] / I've Been Duped / Greenway / Hungry Freaks, Daddy / Hot Cake / Muzorewi's Daughter / What About Us (Mark was on the sidelines for most of the song...) / Reformation // White Lightning (w/o Mark, Eleni singing) // Psykick Dancehall / Wolf Kidult man


Last night in Tel-Aviv was my first Fall gig, and it was fabulous. Can't say what kinda mood Mark was in, hard to discern; Eleni seemed to be enjoying it was interacting the whole time with her friend, the singer from openers "the Schmoks".


A minor change in the set: after "chino" MES and the band left the stage… After a while the band came back without him and played "I've been duped". MES joined them for "greeeeeenway" and the rest of the set, though he sung "what about us" from backstage And did not took part in the first encore ("white lightning").

We had two more songs for the second encore: one that I did not recognize (sorryL) and "wolf kidult man".

Reviews on the forum and lots more footage on youtube.


added 18 January


A particularly ugly label for a real ale, brewed by Cheshire's Northern Brewing for the Hit the North beer festival at the Snooty Fox, 75 Grosvenor Avenue, London, N5 2NN, the weekend of 4-6 February.

Tasting notes welcome!


added 3 January

Rex Sergeant, sometime producer and soundman/tour manager for The Fall, sadly died a few days before Christmas. His funeral takes place in London on Monday, 10 January at noon at St Mary Brookfield Church, Dartmouth Park Road, London, NW5 1SL. There's a remembrance thread on the forum.


added 3 January

Andrew is selling a limited run of Mexico Wax Solvent t-shirts of his own design, together with a print of the artwork. Further info on his website.



added 19 December

On The Quietus - Funnel Of Love: Mark E Smith Of The Fall Interviewed by John Doran


added 17 December

Don Van Vliet, January 15, 1941 – December 17, 2010 Rolling Stone | | wikipedia. You are missed.



added 15 December

Your Future, Our Clutter in a few of the year-end lists:


added 13 December; updated 14 Dec.

Snippet about the "sinister future" Manchester film with M.E.S. soundtrack removed at the request of the film's writer and director, who says nothing is confirmed as of yet. It's been taken off Manchester Confidential, too.


added 13 December

Monday, 13 December 2010   Powerstation, Auckland, New Zealand


Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Hot Cake / What About Us // I've Been Duped / Psykick Dancehall / Weather Report / Reformation!

Reviews on the forum, and many thanks to Conway for the setlist.


added 13 December; updated 19 December

Saturday, 11 December 2010   Meredith Music Festival, Victoria, Australia

Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Greenway / Hot Cake / Muzorewi's Daughter / What About Us // White Lightning

Reviews on the forum. Some photos and brief review on


added 11 December

Friday, 10 December 2010   Billboard, Melbourne, Australia


Change / O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Greenway / I've Been Duped / Hot Cake // Muzorewi's Daughter / What About Us // Mr. Pharmacist / Reformation! // Psykick Dancehall


Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Jonas for the photos and CarbieWarbie for the set.


added 11 December

Cappuccino and a slice of quiche, on this forum thread:

Mat Sargent, who apparently used to be in Chelsea and is now in Sham 69, initiated the Sex, Drugs and HIV Project after being diagnosed with HIV.

This has expanded into two double albums to raise funds for the Terrence Higgins Trust, Release, Rape Crisis, Cancer Research UK and The Food Chain.

Anyway, I was just watching the promo video as it includes Wally Nightingale (!!!) and knock me down with a feather if MES doesn't appear briefly at 3:37, recording at Dave Goodman's studio.

The full roll-call of contributors is here.

Looks to me like the footage is from ca. 1995.


added 10 December

Australasia press roundup


added 9 December

Thursday, 9 December 2010   Hifi, Brisbane, Australia


O.F.Y.C. Showcase / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strycnine / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Hot Cake / What About Us / I've Been Duped / O.F.Y.C. Showcase (again) // Weather Report / White Lightning // Psykick Dance Hall

Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Aramchek for the set.


added 8 December

Tuesday, 7 December 2010   Metro, Sydney, Australia


Change / Y.F.O.C. / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strycnine / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Hot Cake / Theme from Sparta F.C. / What About Us / I've Been Duped // Weather Report // Mr Pharmacist

Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Divvey and Cryptomoralist for the partial setlist.


added 7 December

pop fictionPop Fiction - Stories Inspired By Songs (Amazon UK)

An ex-Disney employee haunted by his hero’s song… A sharp-talking cowboy who can’t quite outrun his destiny… A man closer to Captain Kirk than could possibly be healthy…

This is Pop Fiction: Stories Inspired by Music – the literary equivalent of the greatest mix tape ever recorded. Influenced by everyone from The Clash to The Fall, via David Bowie and, er, Olivia Newton-John, Pop Fiction’s stories mix styles as eclectic as the songs which have inspired them, and showcase nine talented new voices as they celebrate one art form’s impact on another.

More on Facebook and click the book cover for a big verions. All proceeds to the Blue Lamp Foundation.


added 1 December

Tuesday, 30 November 2010   Komedia, Bath

Change / Y.F.O.C / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Hot Cake / Theme from Sparta F.C. / What About Us // I've Been Duped

Reviews on the forum.


added 29 November

Monday, 29 November 2010   Phoenix, Exeter

Change / Y.F.O.C / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Greenway / Muzorewi's Daughter / Hot Cake / Theme from Sparta F.C. / What About Us

Reviews on the forum.


added 29 November

Beggars Archive have details on the 3xCD TNSG box, out on 24 January. The LP (disc 1) sounds simply brilliant to these ears, and it comes in a mini gatefold sleeve + inner sleeve: very nice. I won't have a chance to listen to the other two discs until I get back home next week. Thank you, Beggars Banquet!



added 29 November

Sunday, 28 November 2010   The Assembly, Leamington Spa


Change / Y.F.O.C. / Greenway / Cowboy / Bury / Chino / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Slippy Floor / Hot Cake / Muzoweri's Daughter // Strychnine / What About Us / Weather Report

Set tbd. Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Rob for the setlist.


added 26 November

Thursday, 25 November 2010   Picturedrome, Holmfirth

Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Y.F.O.C. / Cowboy / Bury / Chino / Greenway / Weather Report / Strychnine / Muzoweri's Daughter

Curtailed set (ca. 45m). Reviews on the forum; photos by Martin on flickr. The French/US support band who played Camden, Bexhill, and Holmfirth is Paris Suit Yourself. They're back in the UK Jan/Feb 2011.


added 26 November

Wednesday, 24 November 2010   De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea


Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Y.F.O.C. / Cowboy / Bury / Chino / Strychnine / Weather Report / Greenway / Muzoweri's Daughter / O.F.Y.C./Slippy Floor // I've Been Duped

Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Das Syndikat/KM for the setlist.


added 24 November

Fall to Release "Greek Heavy Metal" Album — a preview of an interview with M.E.S. on The Quietus.

Also: the worst-kept secret in Manchester is that The Fall are recording material for a soundtrack. Does anyone know more?


added 24 November

Tuesday, 23 November 2010   Electric Ballroom, Camden, London


Set as above (I think), plus White Lightning at the end. Reviews on the forum, and thanks once again to HanleyFP for the setlist.

And from the NME: The Fall's show at the London Electric Ballroom last night (November 23) was hit by protestors objecting to them playing a gig in Israel.

Protesters with banners gathered outside the Camden venue, handing out leaflets urging Mark E Smith's band to cancel a concert scheduled in Tel Aviv on January 20 next year.


added 22 November

Sunday, 21 November 2010   Festival Saint Ghetto, Bern, Switzerland

Change / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Y.F.O.C. / Cowboy George / Bury / Chino / Greenway / Weather Report / Strychnine // Muzorewi's Daughter (!) / Blindness // Hot Cake

Reviews and link to download on the forum. Sounds like a good gig. MES very sharp, band too.


added 19 November


Beggars Banquet has confirmed 24 January 2011 as the release date for the 3-disc omnibus This Nation's Saving Grace. Details and track listing on their site.


added 8 November

Danny Baker, who "introduced" The Fall (and Shalimar) to the world via his 1978 Zig-Zag article and received 10p for his contribution by Mark E. Smith, has cancer. Here's a small Fall bit he did on his radio show a short while ago.


added 29 October; updated 3 November

frighteningThe Omnibus edition of The Wonderful and Frightening World of The Fall has been out for a few days in the UK and it's garnering high praise on the forum. They're only printing about 5,000 of these and a lot of shops have exhausted their supplies already. Many stores have sold out but it's still available online, including a pretty great deal on Amazon UK.

Speaking of, Paul Hanley wrote in with the following correction to the sleevenotes:

I'm quoted as saying that John Fogerty is the 'only publisher who never paid me' when in fact I said 'the only publisher who EVER paid me'. That one letter makes a fairly significant difference, as I'm sure you'd agree.

I'd like to apologise to John for the misunderstanding and take the opportunity to thank him for his help over the years.

We've received an email from Daryl Easlea who wants to apologise to everyone for the Paul Hanley "never/ever" misquote. He says it was a genuine glitch on his behalf that came through in transcription. It was most definitely "ever," and because set in such a positive context, one of those obvious things overlooked at proofing stage.


added 1 November

Sunday, 31 October 2010     Sinners' Day Festival, Hasselt, Belgium


Set played as above minus the last four songs. Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Ajay for the setlist.


added 29 October

Paul the Psykick Octopus, r.i.p.



added 29 October

Dave Simpson has a piece about The Fall's first drummer, Steve Ormrod, on his The Fallen blog.


added 29 October

According to their Twitter, The Fall are recording this week at Hustle Studios in Manchester.



This edition of the Fall News is dedicated to the memory of Billy Ruane of Cambridge, Mass. The town is an emptier place without you.

12 August 2011

This is the latest news and gossip off the message board, Fallnet, and elsewhere. If you have something to contribute, please email Stefan at

To subscribe to Fallnet, send mail to:

ta to biv for this

Recent news...

28apr11 TNSG Omnibus; Danny Baker; Euro/UK/OZ/NZ/Israel gigs; Don Van Vliet, Rex Sergeant, Steve Ormod, r.i.p.; Before The Fall comp; White Lightning promo vid; Pop Fiction; Marshall Suite 3xCD; FoF's "Hex Enduction Ours"; Bracewell & Wilde "The Art of The Fall" (1992); Middles' "Story of The Fall" doc; The Fall in Iceland press; Sex, Drugs & HIV; M.E.S. I.P.A.; MES Quietus interview; Factory Star's "Enter Castle Perilous"

25oct10 East Village Radio session; Ideal; new Scanlon demos; UK/Euro festivals; NZ/Aus tour preview; Eat Y'Self Fitter redux; Susan Vale; Quietus, Vice & Brag ints; Mike Joyce, Adrian Sherwood ints.

03jun10 YFOC reviews; UK tour + Primavera; Times (London & New York interviews); "worker bees" interview; Bury, England's Heartbeat videos; caption comp.; Beleaguered Fall Fan; Paintwork conference book; Bury/Cowboy Gregori 7"; Mojo, Tim Cumming Q&As.

02apr10 Berlin gig; FIGFALP; Domino YFOC press release; Tate's "Sound & Vision" series; Gorillaz' Glitter Freeze; Gavin Friday int.; Beggars archive update; #1 Cult Figure (Alex Chilton, rip); MES as Narrative Lyric Writer; Quietus, Independent interviews; couple of Youtubes.

30dec'09 Oct-Nov UK tour +Berlin +Milan; Slippy Floor single; Paintwork #3; Elena int. in La Bouche, Martin Bramah int.; Your Future - Our Clutter announced and delayed; HudLit transcript; Beggars archive update; Fallnet Xmas; Frances Stark; 100 Fall albums; Radio 4 Pick-ups; Factory Star; Pearl Divers (Mike Leigh).

29sep'09 Summer UK/Euro gigs; Factory Star; The Fallen twitter; another Smith/Blaney cd; Huddersfield Q&A; Beggars reissues; Greenwich Sound radio 1983; 1982 photos; Alan Wise; Chris Knox; Palais DVD; Jeffrey Lewis interview.

19may'09 Annual MES Missive; London, Glasgow, Cambridge gig reviews; Domino press release; Paintwork#2 exhibition + photos; Observer int; Nazi cattle; John Robb MCR book; Safi interview; Globo; Monks screenings.

04mar'09 Fall / MES+Blaney gigs; Paintwork#2; Broken Hip#2; Derby punk book excerpt; Huddersfield Lit comp.; Monks DVD; Gene Vincent radio; Lux Interior, Ron Asheton, r.i.p.; Fall rehearsal video; Dick Witts lecture; DNA's "Misery".

30nov'08 vII - 2nd lyrics book; David Luff, r.i.p.; UK tour + 3 Euro gigs; The Fallen press; Smith & Blaney album; 2 Smith ints.; David "Bumble" Lloyd; Shiftwork & Holidays on DVD; Unutterable 2CD reissue; 2008 Fall Albums League results; Martin Bramah solo; Marcia Schofield's Private Passions; Orpheo on tour; Adam Buxton's Mojo promo; Globo

07aug'08 UK gigs and Euro festival reviews; Renegade & IWS reviews; MES Q&As; The Story of the Fall; Mojo Maverick award and auction; MES/ Blaney project; Bo Diddley RIP; Annual Bulletin from the Desk of MES; Scotland on Sunday, MCR Evening News, and BBCR4 Front Row interviews; WPRB review of 4/4/98 gig; Bard of Salford documentary; Maxwell Hall debacle

27apr'08 March UK tour / Renegade excerpts / The Fallen book / Imperial Wax Solvent / Squirrelgate / Daily Telegraph, MusicOMH, Uncut, Word interviews / Hex on Radio 4 / Blaney on Voiceprint deal / Messing up the Paintwork programme & abstracts / Fall news feed

21jan'08 VS / Fall gig reviews, Vice TV's "Soft Focus" int., Messing up the Paintwork conference, message from MES, MES reads Lovecraft, "Latch Key Kid", Suzanne Smith & Claus Castenskiold prints for sale, Flying Nun documentary, Dave Day r.i.p., Renegade preview, MES on BBC radio sitcom "Start", Unofficial Fall site now The Fall Online

16oct'07 Fall / Von Südenfed gig reviews, Zone / Jungle World / Chord / Taz interviews (mainly VS-related), Independent Q&A, Fall Box Set reviews, Hammersmith Palais DVD, Mick Middles' Complete Guide, Wyndham Lewis, myspace MES imposter, Fall Cup 2007, Derek Erdman Fall nights, Intermittent Signal (Simon W.), MES fabric doll.

3jul'07 Newsnight Review int., Independent Q&A, Barcelona gig, Von Sudenfed reviews & interviews, Fall box set, Julia Adamson, Hurdy Gurdy Man video, Word of Mouth, John Leckie TapeOp int., Reformation video, Ideal TV clip, Record Collector / Manchester Confidential / Harp Magazine ints., Lee on I'm Into CB, official site problems, Foggy Notions letters, PBL fiction collection.

12apr'07 UK tour, RPTLC reviews, Narnack edition, Reformation single, Von Sudenfed, MES's 50th, Uncut Q&A, Foggy Notions / Telegraph / Liberation / Rock & Folk interviews, Renegade delayed, Saturn 5, Universal reissues, Culture Show / Transmission TV spots.

22feb'07 RPTLC UK released, Malaga gig, MES interviews: Independent, Welt am Sonntag, Stool Pigeon, The Times, Fantastic Man; Johnny Vegas' Ideal preview, Memorex of the Krakens, Anjulireeves on youtube, Packing a Gun, 7 Wives of MES, Saturn 5, Grayson Perry, Brix's "Star," Frank Sidebottom.

30dec'06 Reformation Post TLC announcements, NYC & Strangeways gigs, Julia Adamson photos, Dave Milner songs, Gusgus Not Clean remix, Fall forum crash, Sonic Arts Network cd, PBL book, Mitsubishi Blindness, Monks live session, MES on Dylan.

30oct'06 Silver Monk Time & Monks gigs, Oct. UK & Ireland gig reviews, Ben Pritchard interview, "Renegade: The Gospel According to MES," MES DJ set on Radio 1, Environmental Health News, Stewart Lee in Sunday Times.

21sep'06 Simonfb, r.i.p., Bournemouth & London gigs / UK festivals, Silver Monk Time, Sunday Herald & Maximum RnR interviews, Julia Nagle's latest projects, another Peel tribute CD.

17aug'06 Brooklyn Vegan / Arena Homme Plus interviews, Oya Festival, Tesla-K, The Blimp, Tycoons Follies, Artrocker review, Tony Friel archive, PBL book update, KFNY poster, Billboard, more Voiceprint CDs.

13jun'06 US tour (second leg), more US press (NYT, The Pitch, SLC Weekly, Stop Smiling), Manchester gig (inc. MEN preview & FT review), What Sven Could Learn from Me (Guardian int. from last year)

23may'06 US tour (first leg), US press (LA Alternative, LA City Beat, SF Chronicle, OC Weekly), Smog Monsters, Morley on MCR/L'pool

1may'06 Berlin gig, Reclaimers' footy song, MES "In Their Own Write", Praxis Hagen exhibit.

6apr'06 UK tour, Greek/ Swiss gigs, "The Two-Year Gap" announcement, John Peel Fall intros/ outros mp3, Wire's Fall Primer, Q's Manchester special, Monks Beat Club clips, Fallnet's "Dr. Buck's Letters", Fall album survey results, Nikki Sudden / Ivor Cutler r.i.p., Brix's new house, cult musicians, Gavin Esler.

21feb'06 Official Fall site now Unofficial, Guardian ex-Fall members article, Mojo interview and poll results, IS, IAH, MCR & CC remaster details, Mixing It session, Antwerp & Wigan gigs, Ding's two new bands, Ghostigital, New Year's Honours, fashion corner: Brix interview & Lagerfeld show, Blue Orchids new album, history of Salford bands.

3jan'06 Word MES interview, ticket refund information, Festive 50, misc. year-end press roundups and Fall forum poll results, preview of Guardian's ex-Fall members article, MES lego minifig, Armitage Shanks & Necropolis Fall-related songs, Ghostigital's "Not Clean" & "Codomatopoeia," Corsa ad back on TV, John Peel's Record Box.

8nov'06 Fall Heads Roll reviews, UK tour, Incendiary, Rock Sound & Pitchfork interviews, PBL book preview, Commercially Unfriendly cd.

30sep'05 Fall Heads Roll details, MES to read footy scores, Peel tribute CDs, ChronicArt preview, Blast Off DVD sampler, Frank Skinner, Jacob's Cream Crackers, Stewart Lee, Deisel-U-Matic award.

18aug'05 Paul Hanley BBC radio int., MES Metro "60-second" & Kitchen Sink ints., 1979 Jamming! int., Deisel U Matic award, Paul Wilson's Fall Mix, Stewart Lee's favorite things.

26jul'05 Berlin & Paris gigs, Fall site news, Diesel-U-Music & Mojo awards, Live from the Vaults: the "real" story, Sanctuary / Slogan Records announcement, Mayo Thompson, Commercially Unfriendly CD, links to loads of Peel box reviews.

14jun'05 UK & Lyon gigs, Conway's guitar tab and Adult Net pages, Jools Holland, Deeply Vale cd, MES int. w/BBC on Peel, Lime Lizard 1993, Festive 50 book, Live from the Vaults delayed, Wake Up in the City, Cuz'n Roy's yard sale on ebay, Jahn Rhondos.

27apr'05 UK gigs, Left of the Dial & Scotland on Sunday interviews, Deeply Vale CD preview, Bingo Masters press release, Scherzo Schist, Live from the Vaults, Simon Reynolds, Simon Armitage, Prenzlauer Berg, Fall Cafe, Poloraoids special offer, Brix & Gromit, MES on Funhouse, Fall documentary transcript, the Fall wants your photo.

25feb'05 BBC4 Fall doc, Hex reissue, KFNY gig, Fall Forum's TNSG, Ice Magazine (UK) MES int., Sun Zoom Spark articles, Playlouder appreciation, unofficial Sparta FC video, Peel set postponed 1 month, MES's New Years Honours list, 9may81 photos, Hunter S. Thompson, RIP.

7jan'05 Jim Watts resigns, UK gigs, Pseud Mag, Festive 50, Deeply Vale, documentary, City Bar "fall-out", Polaroids on the Fall, Wipe That Sound, Narnack sampler.

Fall News archive